To The Woman Who Can't Attract Her Dream Man No Matter How Hard She Tries…

The 'ATTRACT YOUR DREAM MAN' Masterclass Will Show You How Make The Perfect Dating Profile

…Which Results In Your Masculine Hero Finding You, Dating You, And Claiming You As His Woman.

Only a few days left

You are not attracting the kind of masculine devotional man that you want and need.

The kind of man who takes charge, makes the plans, leads with integrity, and loves taking care of you.

A man who is awake to how the world works, knows how to father healthy children, and takes great care of himself and everyone under his protection.

A man who…

… is immune to indoctrination.

… constantly works to be a better leader and person.

… has no vices or additions.

… leads the best conversations with you using depth, humor, intellect, and playfulness.

I’m talking about a man who meets all of your needs and most of your wants.

Your perfect match. Your soulmate. Your hero.

You’re unlikely to find him outside in the world today, it’s hard to find your perfect person in a sea of emasculated men and men who just aren’t the right match for you as a unique woman.

You could find him online though...

The beauty of the internet is you can capture the attention and imagination of your future hero, separating yourself from the millions of other women’s profiles.

Even if you aren't gorgeous by modern beauty standards.

But you do need to be able to present yourself in the right way.

The problem is you aren’t doing that, which means you aren’t attracting Mr. Right.

And it’s not just you. I’ve gone through and critiqued hundreds upon hundreds of women’s dating profiles to teach lessons to my Academy students. And far less than 1% would be able to call in a truly embodied, awake, socially savvy, devotional masculine man.

The truth is, the same control patterns and wounding that have impacted your dating life and relationships are also showing up on the text and pictures of your dating profile. You may not be aware of it, but the men you want are.

So you end up attracting almost exclusively emasculated men who ask you how you’re doing every morning and don’t lead the conversation anywhere.

Or you attract men who do lead things forward, but are either people pleasers or are only interested in getting physical with you.

Leaving you feeling frustrated, bored, and hopeless.

We are going to change that, together.

I am going to take you on a two hour journey showing you exactly what you are doing to attract the wrong men with online dating… 

…and show you exactly what to do instead to attract the man of your dreams.

Not by pretending to be the perfect woman that you think he wants…

But by being the genuine vulnerable woman that you are.

We are going to take you on that journey in our upcoming, live only, ‘ATTRACT YOUR DREAM MAN ONLINE’ masterclass.

We have no plans to do this special masterclass ever again, so book your spot below before it’s too late.

Attend The 'ATTRACT YOUR DREAM MAN ONLINE' Masterclass For Just $47!

This May Be The ONLY Time We Do This Masterclass in 2024... Or Ever



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Here's What Our Attendees Of Our Past Masterclasses Are Saying:

" one else is teaching polarity like this.."

"...It was the first time in my life I felt a man's leadership and provision in regards to being cherished.."

"...Observing the roleplays was eye opening for me.."

"...I was in awe at how true polarized communication looks and feels.."

"...Observing the roleplays was eye opening for me.."

"...In the one month following the masterclass I have been able to express myself more naturally.."

"..."I thought the class was great.."

Hey Zak Roedde here...

I'm the one leading you on this Masterclass journey.

But before I created this amazing eye-opening love-life transforming opportunity, my coaching was mostly focused on my clients in my "Relationship Of Your Dreams" Academy.

Our focus was (and is) on teaching men how to lead a woman out of low self worth, resistance, judgments, victimhood, masculinization, leading, and mothering...

And on teaching women how to inspire a man out of low self worth, reactivity, criticism, apathy, feminization, selfishness, and irresponsibility.

We were (and are) very successful at doing this, because our focus is on what I call 'instinctual polarity': Where a man leads his respectful woman with devotion, and a woman follows her adoring man with reverence.

To achieve this goal, we help men get in touch with their masculine instinct by using what I call 'masculine communication'...

...And we help women get in touch with their feminine instinct by using what I call 'feminine communication'.

Masculine communication makes it easy for a man to lead a woman out of any disrespectful behavior, and into letting go, opening up, and communicating vulnerably and with reverence. The more a man uses it to lead, the closer her gets to masculine embodiment.

Feminine communication makes it easy for a woman to inspire a man out of any inconsiderate behavior, and into taking charge, cherishing her, and communicating with strength and kindness. The more a woman uses it to let go of control, the closer she gets to feminine embodiment.

Instinctual polarity gets magical results beyond anything I've ever witnessed in my 16 years in the self help industry.

And I was not satisfied with keeping such an incredible love life tool a secret among only our Academy students, when it was meant to transform the world and millions of love lives.

I wanted to help as many single or coupled men or women as possible to transform their love lives with instinctual polarity, using masculine and feminine communication, regardless of their budget.

I also wanted a way to show people what we do in our Academy program, in case they were interested in working with us, but first needed to know if we were the 'real deal'.

So now I also run two hour Masterclasses, to teach attendees exactly what we help our clients learn and practice with us in our Academy, and then I priced it so low that anyone could afford it.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive...

Here's More Testimony From Our Attendees:

"... Zak was incredibly supportive and made me feel safe.."

"... What and Mark were amazing at explaining an intro to M /F polarity.."

"... The perspectives and examples were immensely helpful.."

"... Great way to get a full experience of what the communication and style look like.."

"... I have a much greater understanding of what masculine and feminine communication ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE.."

"... I loved getting to see the roleplays in the masterclass!.."

"... The masterclass blew me away."

"... Zak and mark are the right real world experts to go to.."

 Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Masterclass?

Our masterclasses are a 2 hour live event where I (Zak Roedde) and my team teach you how to transform your love life, and roleplay for you how to communicate effectively to get amazing results. This work is based on instinctual polarity; listening to your masculine or feminine instincts, and communicating accordingly.

How does it work exactly?

Once you book your spot, you get instant access to the 18 minute training bonus. You will also get the live event info including the zoom link. On the day and time of the event, you log into zoom with that link, and enjoy the show. There is audience participation with the Q&A, but your participation is 100% optional.

When is the next event?

The next masterclass date is to be determined, and it will be different than this upcoming one. The days and times are often subject to change each month. They are shown on the checkout form.

Do you have a guarantee?

Of course! When you get access to the masterclass, I also give you my 30 day, risk free, no BS, no questions asked money back guarantee. As long as you actually watch the content and attend the entire masterclass to give it your best shot. If it's not for you and you're unhappy, we will give you your money back.